JBS Vol 11. Num 1. 2009 - Population Growth Projections for Bangladesh from 2000 to 2025: Policy Implications for Education

Halimur R. Khan

Bangladesh has a large population compared to its size and resources. In 2000, the population of Bangladesh stood
at 130 million people, making it the 8th most populous country on Earth.1 By 2025 this population will grow to a
staggering 192.9 million--an increase of nearly 62.9 million people, representing a growth of 48.3% in 25 years.2
This huge population explosion will impact almost all aspects of modern life. One important area to be affected by
this considerable growth is the education system, especially its capacity to absorb students at the college, graduate
and post-graduate levels. Unless the government and the relevant institutions realize the enormity of the impact of
population growth and adopt appropriate measures for the education sector, and beyond, the situation portends
serious complications, resulting in overall worsening of the quality of life in general, and the quality and capacity of
the nation’s education system in particular.