There is considerable evidence of the importance of intergenerational transmission of domestic violence. Studies from the United States as well as developing countries suggest that witnessing inter-parental violence during childhood is associated with a greater likelihood of experiencing violence themselves. This hypothesis is based on Bandura’s social learning theory which posits that violence is a socially learned behavior. However, there are no studies that look at domestic violence based on this theory in Bangladesh. Thus, this study uses the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (2007) to find an association between domestic violence experienced by women, and witnessing inter-parental violence, justification of wife beating, respondent age, marital education, partner’s higher education, and primary education of the respondent in a multivariate model. Significant associations were not found between domestic violence and respondent’s primary and higher education, partner’s secondary education, partner’s age, and, employment.
JBS Vol 14. Num 2. 2012 - Intergenerational Transmission of Domestic Violence in Bangladesh
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