This study assesses the state of media freedom in Bangladesh in light of reports of annual increase in the number of media professionals being subjected to various forms of repression, harassment, and physical harm since 2007, especially at the hands of politicians at different levels. It links the tribulations suffered by the journalists in part to an unsatisfactory situation obtaining in the country where the spirit of liberal democracy has not quite taken hold of the mindset of at least a substantial section of the country’s population, including, crucially, both media professionals and politicians. The study concludes that, at least as critically as institutional measures to rectify the situation, the state of media freedom and the cause of liberal democracy would be vitally served if the media professionals and politicians alike could inculcate within themselves the fundamental values and the true spirit of the political ideology.
JBS Vol 13. Num 2. 2011 - Recriminations against Journalists in Bangladesh: Indication of a Deep-Rooted Problem
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