JBS Vol 22. Num 2. 2020 - A Sustainable Development Strategy for Bangladesh in the Post-COVID 19 Era: A socially embedded intersectional capabilities perspective


In light of pandemic relief policies in Bangladesh during COVID-19 as a background, this paper presents a strategic perspective beyond the current crisis. For this type of strategic thinking, both technical methodologies for positive analysis such as SAM-based modeling and normative frameworks such as Socially Embedded Intersectional Capabilities Approach (SEICA) are necessary. Such approaches also allow a broader understanding about problems facing the developing countries and their recourse during such crises. Specifically, using SEICA and a 11-point sustainable development strategic approach, we can strategically connect immediate relief with long-run development for enhancing capabilities of people. With proper modifications, the methodology and framework used for Bangladesh may be applicable for other developing countries for strategically and efficiently directing limited resources to key areas of the economy for addressing the current crisis and solving some of the strategic problems for long-term sustainable development.

South Asia
socially embedded capabilities